
- two compounds
- two structures can have different conformations and still be
considered to be equivalent because they can be rotated along sigma
bonds to be equivalent (same) or super-imposable
- different compounds
- non-isomeric compounds have different atoms or number of atoms
- non-isomeric compounds have different properties
- isomers are different compounds that have the same molecular
- constitutional or structural isomers are connectivity
isomers (different base name)-same atoms different connections
- constitutional isomers have different properties
- stereoisomers have the same connectivity (same base name)
but different three-dimensional arrangement of atoms
- diastereomers are not mirror images of each other
- diastereomers can be chiral or achiral
- examples
cis vs. trans
E vs. Z
endo vs. exo
syn vs. anti
r vs. s
RR vs. SR
- diastereomers have different properties
- diasteromers have different physical properties
- diastereomers have different biological
- enantiomers are non-super-imposable (different) mirror
- symmetric molecules do not have enantiomers because
they contain two mirror images so when viewed in a
mirror you see both mirror images again or
the original object again
point symmetry
axis and reflection symmetry
plane symmetry
- enantiomers are asymmetric (dissymmetric)
- asymmetric molecules are also called chiral like the
Greek for hand
- symmetric molecules are also called achiral
- an example of a chiral molecule is a molecule with
an odd number of chiral centers
- chiral centers are tetrahedral atoms with four
different (non-isomeric, constitution, diastereomers)
groups attached
- carbon
- nitrogen in
aziridines but otherwise
tunneling of non-bonding electrons leads to
inversion of configuration easily on nitrogen
- sulfur (sulfone) where non-bonding electrons
are given the lowest priority (Prilosec, Nexium)
- the configuration (R or S) of
chiral centers is assigned by the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog
- the chiral center can be represented using
wedges (forward) and slashes (back)
- Fischer projections (bow ties on the
horizontal lines)
- Newman projections (circle is back carbon)
- Haworth projections (hexagon or pentagon
with vertical lines)
- tetrahedral atoms that have four different
groups but two of the groups are mirror images of
each other are not chiral centers, they are pseudo-chiral
centers, assigned with little r and s.
- tetrahedral atoms that have four different
groups that are two pairs of mirror images are
chiral centers
- chiral centers and pseudo chiral centers are
called stereogenic centers because interchanging the
position of two groups on the centers (also called
inversion of configuration) leads to a new
- interchanging two groups on a chiral center
in a molecule with one chiral center leads to
- interchanging two groups on a chiral center
in a molecule with more than one chiral center
leads to diastereomers called epimers (one
- interchanging two groups on a pseudo-chiral
center leads to diastereomers
- molecules with an even number of chiral centers
(including zero) may be chiral or not
allenes are examples of molecules that are
chiral but do not have chiral centers
spiro compounds are examples of molecules that
are chiral but do not have chiral centers
- conformational isomers may also be chiral
- symmetric molecules with chiral centers (R, S)
are called meso
- enantiomers have the same properties in symmetric
- enantiomers have the same physical properties
- melting point, boiling point, solubility,
heat of combustion, IR, NMR, etc.
- enantiomers have different properties in asymmetric
- enantiomers have different biological activity
because biomolecules are chiral
- you are what you eat (cereal box chemicals)
carbohydrates are mostly D
- alpha-amino acids (building blocks of
proteins, enzymes) are mostly L
- lipids
- smell
- carvone
- (-)-enantiomer =
- (+)-enantiomer =
rye bread
- limonene
orange smell-(+)-(R)-1-methy-4-(pro-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-1-ene
pine smell-(-)-(S)-1-methy-4-(pro-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-1-ene
- citronellol
citronella candels-(+)-(R)-3,7-dimethyloct-8-en-1-ol
rose smell-(-)-(S)-3,7-dimethyloct-8-en-1-ol
- enantiomers can be differentiated by optical
rotation using polarizers in a polarimeter
- rotation = specific rotation x concentration
x path length
- specific rotation = rotation/(c x l)
- specific rotations may be over 360° as
observed with low concentrations of compound
- (+)-dextrorotatory enantiomer, old d
- (-)-levorotatory enantiomer, old l
- ([major enantiomer]-[minor enantiomer])/([major
enantiomer]+[minor enantiomer]) = enantiomeric
excess = e.e., assuming only enantiomers
- |observed specific rotation (assuming only
enantiomers)| = e.e. x rotation of pure (+)-enantiomer,
- e.e. = |observed specific rotation| /
rotation of pure (+)-enantiomer
- if you make [major enantiomer] + [minor
enantiomer] = 1, relative concentration
- e.e. = [major enantiomer]-[minor
- e.e.+1 = 2 x [major enantiomer]
- [major enantiomer] = (e.e.+1)/2
- [minor enantiomer] = 1-(e.e.+1)/2 =
- an equal mixture of enantiomers is called a racemic
- racemic mixtures have different properties than
those of pure enantiomers
D, L tartaric acid
meso-tartaric acid
racemic tartaric acid
- enantiomers can be separated or resolved by
forming diastereomers or diastereomeric interactions
- for example, racemic carboxylic acids can be
resolved by forming diastereomer salts with
chiral amines
- enantiomers can be separated using chiral
- separation of enantiomers is big business
- the enatiomeric switch
- Prilosec goes to Nexium
- a molecule with n chiral centers
- can have up to 2n-# meso structures =
stereoisomers in its family or
- 2n - # meso structures -1 stereoisomers
- if a compound is chiral it has only one enantiomer
- if a compound is achiral it does not have an
- if a compound is chiral it can have up to 2n-2